Hi dear celiac!

Today I didn’t want to cook so I went to Yamamori at George’s Street. They have many gluten-free and vegan options. I had the tofu steak with mango sauce <3

After lunch we went to Rage games and saw many cool stuff *0* I want all the classic games! hehe Look at the price of this Mario Party 3 for Nintendo 64:

We also went to Dublin Flea Market and to Co-op Supermarket where I got a rice snack. It is OK, already ate better ones hehe

The best of the day was finding Gram flour with gluten-free seal!! I almost went crazy!!!! All the brands that I used replied my e-mails confirming that they could have gluten traces, I was so sad 🙁 but not I’m not anymore!!!   YAY!!!! Gram flour is wonderful to make bread, doughnuts, cakes…

Happy Sunday!!! Soon I’ll post day 4 of my trip to China! <3