Hi dear celiac!

Day 4 of my trip we took the bus early in the morning to Huang Shan bus station and there we took another but to the foot of Huang Shan.

In the morning I ate my gluten-free cupcake and soya milk (as almost everyday – not complaining here!! <3 I love it!).

For lunch I had my cold rice noodles with corn and green veggies that I cooked in the day before. I didn’t plan and it was a perfect cold dish for a lunch time at the montain! A lot of people came to ask me where I got it!! 🙂

On the montain everything is triple or more expensive than the city! So before you go make sure you buy the necessary stuff like rain coat! I got for 5 yuan at the city and they were selling for 28 yuan up in the montain! The only thing that I bought was water… the same that I paid 2 yuan at the city, I payed 8 yuan at the montain but it’s fair enough. It’s really hard for those workers to bring all the food up the montain.

We climbed slowly for 5 hours! It’s a bit mad, only stairs however, the view is incredible! If you are in a good fitness go for it! I think it was a bit too much for me though but I survived! hehe

Amazing view! *-*

We slept in a hotel up in the morning which was lovely! I had gluten free cup noodles that I bought back home (forgot to take pictures!)