Hi dear celiac!

I went to Barcelona for 3 days and was wonderful.

When we arrived Barcelona airport we bought the T-10 card and took the train to city center. From Passeig de Gracia train stop we walked all the famous streets and passed buy many famous buildings like Casa Mila, Casa Batllo and famous squares like Plaça de Catalunia until we reach our guest house that I strongly recommend although next time I will stay in a place with fridge in the room or easy access to the kitchen and I will explain why later on.

Near Casa Mila there is a gluten-free bakery called Pastisseria Jansana Gluten Free, unfortunately I did not have time to go there. Actually, Barcelona is famous to have many gluten-free options but many of these restaurants were far from city center or I was at other side of the town or it is simply does not exist anymore! In summary, I did not eat at ANY restaurants and will explain how I survived Barcelona for 3 days without cooking and without going to any restaurants! – no contamination at all!!! – <3

The day before my trip was all about food preparation! I prepared 12 sushi (like I did to my China trip) for me and my husband thinking that we would eat 2 per lunch/per person and we also prepared 6 wraps. We knew it was not going to be enough but my husband is not celiac so he got food at random shops when his food finished. I have good cooler bag that holds well the cold temperature in it, specially when I use with a frozen ice bag inside! The hostel allowed to use the fridge from 8am to 1pm so every morning I took our lunch and dinner for that day.

For breakfast I took cupcakes like my trip to China and I got a chocolate drink from a local market that tasted amazing!

The Starbucks had notes saying that at their website they had detailed information about allergens but I sincerely do not trust ANY coffee shop that says their drink is gluten-free. I try to avoid these places as much as I can.

I was impressed with the variety of gluten-free snacks in the supermarkets and the price! I was so happy filled my bag with them! I will list my favorite ones – but not in order of preference! They were all good! <3
1st – Hello Kitty Cookies – gluten-free and lactose free. Great taste and cute shape!

2nd – Fini sour and sweet candies – with HUGE gluten-free label on their package. I went crazy! I though I would never eat these again!

3rd – Milky Gris and Ciocco from Shar. I also went crazy with this one! First brand of this kind of sweet that I see gluten-free.

4th – Cheetos Cheese Soccer Ball – forgot to take a picture of the pack but the balls were really cute and tasted amazing!

5th – Cocktail de Snacks and Chicharricos – the pack for the snacks was huge and delicious and my husband (he’s not vegetarian) got the crunchy meat pieces that were gluten-free as well!

At the Barcelona Airport on our way back home there was a shop close to our gate called Dots Bakery which offered gluten-free pasta (with meat) and lasagna (vegetarian) from Schar! I was impressed! I had enough food for the trip so I didn’t order it but I was really curious to try! The waiter was busy so I could not ask how they warmed it up, I wonder if it was safe and free from cross-contamination.

Barcelona was amazing, I had loads of fun and sun! <3