This will be the first time that I will travel far away after diagnosed with coeliac disease. I already searched for many websites and blogs, there are GF options in Shanghai but I still prefer to bring and cook my own food as much as possible! Definitely my bag will have more food than clothes!!!

I’ll stay in hostels/hotels. I’ve already checked, they have kettle inside the room and definitely they have kitchen which I will ask to use to cook veggies (I’m bringing a small pan!)… hope they understand and allow me!

I will need breakfast, lunch and dinner for 8 days and food for the 2 days that I will be flying. The flight companies have gluten free options but sorry I do not trust and they do not have the “gluten free + vegetarian” option, which makes things even more complicated.

I started to prepare my bag, I still need to buy more food. I’ll detail the products after I finish buying them and my plan on how to survive trying to avoid eating in restaurants!!!

What do you think?! Any suggestions?