My birthday was during this week. At my work people normally get together and buy a cake for everyone to celebrate.

Everyone knows that I’m celiac and they got me delicious gluten-free cake from Antoinette’s Bakery and cake with gluten from AVOCA for everyone else. Hehe Fair enough, right? Gluten free cakes normally are more expensive and smaller than the other ones.

Got some birthday cards, flowers, small cute gifts, gluten-free cakes, cute mug (so lucky because I broke mine a month ago!)

Other friend invited me to have cake at Antoinette’s Bakery! Was great! I always eat like a little girl, Nutella brownie with hot chocolate! hihi ^_^

It was a great week… So happy to exist and so happy to discover earlier that I’m celiac so I can take care of myself, consequently avoiding many consequences of this condition!

Let’s take care of ourselves! Always! <3 How do you celebrate your birthday?!