Hi all!

I love science and reading papers on coeliac disease to keep me updated in the field.

Today I was a bit shocked! I found this interesting paper where the scientists add the alpha-gliadin gene (the section of the gluten that we react to) to rice with the purpose of increase rice dough making ability.

Okay, I understand that this is great as rice is a really versatile food and, specially asians, make tons of delicious food out of it. Facilitating rice dough formation may benefit some people however, generally speaking, rice has been doing a good job already 😂… Imagine if this get approved!? I don’t see major benefits.

I’m afraid if samples of this genetically modified rice gets in wrong hands and start to be cultivated without proper references. Imagine a farmer selling it’s rice saying”the best rice in the world! Making dough with it is as easy as with flour!” 😅

This will be deleterious to coeliacs as one of our main food is rice 🍚. Look all the cookies and cakes at your house. Definitely it contains rice flour. I try my best to buy pasta and some cookies that are made out of other ingredients to reduce my rice consumption, but still it’s pretty hard.

Well, this is just for us coeliacs to be aware that this is happening in the scientific field! Let’s keep an eye and continue to propagate the seriousness of coeliac disease to the world. I understand the importance of genetically modified organisms (GMO) for the improvement of food as long as they are well regulated and clearly stated in the product package.

Take care and keep sharing love to all coeliacs around the world!